Thursday, March 17, 2011


About a week ago, while I was helping Tom with dinner (yes, I said helping Tom, he is the best cook), he told me that he had been praying with Ellie when he takes her to school in the mornings.  He asks her what she wants to pray for, and it has become their little thing.  I just love watching the relationship that he has with her.  It is so tender and nurturing.

I have to admit, I felt a little guilty.  I know I don't pray enough with our kids.  We say the bedtime prayers and the mealtime prayers, but they can become so routine, that they are just words coming from our mouths.  I have been burdened about this, and have been wanting to be a better example of how to pray. I will come back to this in a moment. 

Yesterday, when Tom took Ellie to school, he had forgotten to pray for whatever reason, and when they got to school, Ellie said, "Daddy aren't we going to pray?" I think this really moved Tom, and showed him what an impact that he has on her.  I love, love, love, how Tom leads our family.

With that story in mind, last night in our growth group at our house, we talked about calling the Spirit, "Daddy."  It is such an intimate term, and something that I don't think about too often.  He is our daddy, or Abba.  When I think of the Holy Spirit in this way, I feel safe and at peace, just like a child who cries out for "Daddy." This study of the Holy Spirit is so moving to me.  I recommend Forgotten God, by Francis Chan.
It will open your eyes to how we grieve the spirit, and how powerful the Spirit can be in our lives if we acknowledge Him.  It talks about how especially in our country, how much we do on our own, without seeking the Spirit and allowing Him to move.  This book might make you want to move to a different part of the world, kind of like the book Radical or the Bible for that matter. (another subject for another post)

Anyways, I am trying to make prayer time more meaningful, and I really want to teach my kids how to pray.  I want them to be genuine and honest.  I want them to pray for others that don't know God. I want them to pray for the Spirit to empower them.  We pray so often to heal this person, or help ME do this or that, etc. When was the last time you selflessly prayed for the spirit to move in your life? Try it.