I'm sure those of you that have been to our house, our questioning this right now. We barely have room for the four we already have. We have one extra bed, that someone needs to fill. There is not need to put it off. We can make excuses like we don't have enough money, or time, or space. God does not say, do that when you feel comfortable doing that. He clearly told us, NOW! We have filled out the paper work with the Missouri Baptist Children's Home, and we start some classes next Monday. We have decided to take on therapeutic foster care, which will be more challenging for all of us. It will be a growing experience for me for sure!
We had the paper work for several months, and I put off filling it out. You see this isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. It is so much easier to talk about, then to put into action. I could let myself worry about lots of different things like what if I can't handle the behaviors we might see, or how it could affect my kids, but that is not fully trusting in God. God is sovereign, and His way is not always easy or comfortable, but it is the best way. We can do this, and I know my children will be affected by this, but in a positive way. They need to see us helping others in need. I want them to know how to love others like Jesus did.
My biggest fear now is wanting to adopt everyone that comes in our home. We will see, God will lead. I am looking forward to the next 10 weeks though. Every Monday will be date night for Tom and I, since we have to go to class together!
I plan on blogging about our journey as a family through these exciting times! Anyone with experience with foster care, feel free to give words of wisdom!