The past month has been filled with lots of emotions. Moving is stressful enough, but on top of that, we have moved in with my grandparents, who require some assistance. The first week we were here I spent taking Grandad to urgent care, taking Granny to the ER, and taking care of my sick husband. Oh, and yes, I was also taking care of a few sick children. I thought I might lose my mind. Grandad ended up in the hospital with pneumonia, and Tom was sick up until he started his new job. It was definitely a sick house, and I played nurse to the best of my ability. So many times, my will and my agenda was pushed to the side, and it would start to bother me. Those little voices of pride and selfishness would set in.
Boys with their Great-Granny |
However, one of the great things about the Gospel is that the "my" is turned to "Thy." Through this last month I have been reminded numerous times that when I am focused on "Thy will" and on what Christ has done, I rejoice in my circumstances. I cannot think of a better place to be than sleeping in my grandparents' basement, fixing their meals, repeating my words at least two times, making my Granny sit still, listening to some new and some old stories, and doing laundry for 8 people. Our kids bring them so much joy, and they have said that many times.
My kids have benefited as well from this. Many might think we are insane, moving our children from comfort, but I have already seen the benefits. Ellie told me when I am old she is going to take care of me, like we are taking care of Granny and Grandad. That meant so much, coming from her sweet little seven year-old heart. It also meant she sees what we are doing for the special elderly in our life.
Remembering what Christ did for me, moves me to do for my grandparents, children, and husband. My joy in Christ urges me to be joyful in any circumstance. I can't say it's always easy, but I will say it is always rewarding, whether it is spending 3 hours in urgent care with Grandad, or filling up Granny's weekly medicine container, I think of Christ. I do because He did for me. It's just that simple.
Take time every day to pause and pray, "Thy not my."