Monday, January 17, 2011

I Have A Dream...

So, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., I would like to share an Ellie story.  We are trying to instill in our kids that "stuff" is not important.  The most important things in life are God and loving others like Jesus did.  This often seems like an impossible task, since kids are constantly bombarded with the idea that the more stuff, the happier the person.  Even adults feel they need to keep up with the next person with their stuff.  This could not be more far from the truth.  In most cases this leads to more unhappiness because you then have money problems because you cannot afford "stuff."

With that being said, Ellie came home one day last week and said she had learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. at school.  They had to write their own "I Have a Dream Speech."  This is how the conversation went down.  

Ellie:   Mom, today we had to write about our dream.  

Me:  Oh, like Martin Luther King?
Ellie: Yeah.  I wrote about Mexico.

Me: What is your dream about Mexico?

Ellie: I want people in Mexico to have more money for stuff they need.  

Me: That sounds like a great dream.  What did others in your class write about?
Ellie: Everyone else wrote a dream about themselves like being president and getting stuff for themselves.

Note, she said NEED not want. Now, most of you are wondering why Mexico?  Well she went with us on a mission trip this past summer to build a house in Mexico for a family in need.  She saw first hand the need of those there. What a priceless trip.  Most would say she's too young to go, or that is not safe.  I could go off on a tangent here but I won't.  She may never have an American Girl doll like her friends do, but I just hope she keeps thinking of others like Jesus did. Even though she is my complete opposite, and sometimes way too girlie for my own liking, I love her so much. I look forward to taking all my kids to different places around the world to show God's love so they can create their own world view.


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