Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Much Fun!

So, Ellie had 4 snow days this week, which called for some creative ideas to have some fun.  Here are some pics from our snow week. 
We brought snow inside to play with. 

We made snow ice cream.

It was very yummy.  We used mexican vanilla in it!

Puzzle time
Owen with his giraffe named Sophie


Abby came too.

Starting to build the snow fort.

 We didn't quite finish it, but luckily there is more snow on the way!

Harry loves playing in the snow.


  1. How did we get such cute kids? Oh yeah, it must have been from you! I love you!

  2. Abby gets a mention, but not Dan. It's cool Elizabeth, I just thought we were friends.

  3. Oh Dan! I didn't mention you because you are already part of the family!
