Tom came to me about a month ago and told me that we should not do any gifts this year, even for the kids. He handed me the World Vision gift catalog, and told me we should use our money to help others. Okay, I'm not going to lie, at first I thought my kids would be totally devastated. I felt bad for our kids. I thought of them having to hear what everyone else got from Santa, and then they would have to say that Santa didn't come to their house. Sad right?? What was sad was my way of thinking. Really? Our kids need more toys? Our kids need stuff to satisfy? What was I thinking? Oh, that's right, I was thinking along the lines of the rest of our country, not about the Gospel.
I thought about all the Christmas presents Santa brought me when I was a kid. At least I tried to. I could not remember much about what I got. I can remember being greatly upset when I did not get what I wanted. I also tried to remember when I believed in Santa, and I can only remember when I figured Santa out. I remembered that I enjoyed being with family the most. My parents didn't have to get me the best gifts. I know they spent way too much on us at Christmas. I just loved being together.
We just finished reading Radical, by David Platt, in our growth group. A great book, that will challenge you in many ways. Well, I guess you could say we are going to have a radical Christmas. We are going to turn our house upside down, and only put love under the tree. We do have a tree up, and stockings hung. We even have a train under our tree. We just want our kids to see the needs of others, and learn from a young age that not everything is about them. Hopefully, they will look back and learn something from Christmas.
So, if anyone asks my kids what they want Santa to bring them, be prepared. They are going to say that Santa is not coming to our house. They will probably say a duck or a chicken. Please don't feel sorry for my kids. Please don't judge us. If anything, I hope this moves others to think of those less fortunate. Do we really need the latest iphone or ipad? Do we really need to see our kids eyes light up? Really? Doesn't that just feed our own ego? Are our kids going to be better off because they have stuff or nice clothes? Isn't the heart really the issue? Christ should suffice. (Do we really need that kitchenaid mixer? Believe me, I have already thought about giving it up.)
It's getting more uncomfortable for Tom and I to live in this country. I'm sure this surprises no one. We are all too focused on self, our careers, our stuff, and even our families. It's very discouraging at times. During those discouraging times, I go to the Gospel and remember what Christ did for us. I remember Him. I'm not sure what God has in store for us. I do know the Gospel is not about us and what we want or what our children want. It is about Christ, His love, and His grace. What can you do to put love under your tree this year?
“Radical obedience to Christ is not easy... It's not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us.”
― David Platt, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream
I love you so much, and am thankful for your honesty and love for others. I love being married to you.
ReplyDeleteThis is so great! Thanks for sharing! Thank you for the example you set for your children and the others that surround you. We love you!
ReplyDeleteThis is great! World Vision is very dear to my heart as well. We recently got to sponsor a girl who has the same birthday as Morgan. I am praying that throughout Mo's growing up years we can pray for our sponsored girl together and we can teach her about what is really important. Miss you friend! Alissa