Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cakes and Valentines

Well, we have been busy lately.  We have been making valentines.  Yes, I said making valentines.  Ellie enjoyed making her own valentines, and the kids at school really loved them as well.  She wrote My heart melts for you on the girls valentines, and You color my world on the boys valentines.

Tom has decided to change his diet and eat healthier, which has motivated me to do the same.  I know I should, just to help and encourage him.  We both want to loose a few pounds before our family trip to Disney World in May.  I am so proud of him.  He really loves to cook, and even though it is more expensive to buy the healthier options, in the long run it is worth it.  The whole wheat pasta, bread, and tortillas really aren't that bad.  Our kids are turning their noses up to most of the food, but we know if we keep introducing the new foods, they will try them.  We do not give them other options.  They eat what is on their plate, or they don't.  Simple really.  
This eating healthy thing, does not mix well with all the baking I love to do.  I am trying to perfect my cake recipe.  I made a football cake for the superbowl, which turned out really yummy.

I also made red velvet whoopie pies for the first time.  They were fun to make.

So between Tom cooking, and me baking, we have joked about opening a restaurant.  We also think it would be fun to run a bed and breakfast somewhere.  Probably will never happen, but we would be great hosts I think.  It would have to be later in life, when all our little kiddos are out of the house.  Who knows where we will be then.  God will probably move us to another country.  

Speaking of food, we went out on Valentine's Day to Chili's.  We had gift cards to use, so it was a free date.  We try to save money whenever we can.  It is always good to go out alone.  We ended up talking about all of the valentine's days we have spent together.  Some we couldn't remember exactly what we did, and others stood out, like our White Castle date in 2005.  One thing is for sure, we both love each other more each day. So thank you Dan for watching our 4 children for an hour and half.  It was an hour and a half well spent. 

Ellie painting her valentine box.  We made a valentine backpack out of a cereal box.

Ellie opening her valentines at her party at school.

Ellie enjoying fun dip at her party.  She has some really sweet kids in her class.  The girl with the pink bow in the background also has twin brothers that are 3.  They were born in October 2007. I talked with her mom for a while.  She asked if I had problems potty training.  One of her twins does not want anything to do with potty training.   I think I gave her some hope, after talking about how hard it was for Harry.  If we hold the boys back, they will all be in the same grade.  I think that is super neat!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Much Fun!

So, Ellie had 4 snow days this week, which called for some creative ideas to have some fun.  Here are some pics from our snow week. 
We brought snow inside to play with. 

We made snow ice cream.

It was very yummy.  We used mexican vanilla in it!

Puzzle time
Owen with his giraffe named Sophie


Abby came too.

Starting to build the snow fort.

 We didn't quite finish it, but luckily there is more snow on the way!

Harry loves playing in the snow.